As Night Spills Into Day
the art of Nick Bustamante
June 7- July 20, 2019
Night and day, dark and light, now and then, inside and out…these antonyms of existence--the in between moments when past slips into present--are what Ruston Artist and Louisiana Tech Art professor Nick Bustamante explores in his latest exhibition, “AS NIGHT SPILLS INTO DAY.”
Bustamante is most often described as a landscape painter, but with this exhibition he says he is depicting the varied terrain of our inner lives. “As Night Spills Into Day explores ideas of home, loss and family roles in a non-linear narrative format,” says Bustamante. The exhibition is in a setting to resemble both the interior and exterior of a family home with more than 100 images, some hung in groupings as one might remember they hung in the home where you grew up.