2018 exhibitions
holidaze 2018 @ artspace
Bre Banks, Erica Branch, Joshua Brittian, Susan Duke, Hilary George, Tracy McComic, Donna Natali, Brittani Phillips, Paige Powell, Emily Pullin, Hannah Roark, Ron Smith, Mary Caroline Spano, Donna Strebeck, Sherry Tamburo, Megan Davis Taylor, Wesley Touchstone, Lauri Wallace, Star Williams, and Jnanne Zepeda.
Let ‘em show, let ‘em show, let ‘em show! Twenty local artists and makers put their unique creations on display for holiday shoppers to find that perfect gift for their loved ones.
Collector’s eye
34 Local, Collectible Artists
What does an art “collection” look like? Local artists and their collectors loaned their work to artspace to show you. View these talented artists’ new works beside older works and see an evolution of style, technique, and creativity.
Pictured: “hold me”
let’s use our words
Joshua Chambers - CM 6 Visual Winner
Panels with cryptic messages, a wall of ABC’s, and a chimpanzee in distress are all things to be seen in this mainspace exhibition. This showing of Joshua Chambers’ most recent works captivated audiences with its symbolism and promise of a secret message waiting to be decoded.
Don’t Look Away
Katie Bickham - CM 6 Literary Winner
Poet Katie Bickham presents five never-before-seen poems displayed alongside illustrated representations commissioned by Bickham from Northwest Louisiana Artists Jazmin Jernigan, Kelly McDade, Lilly Thompson, Susan Abney and Paige Powell.
A distance Nearer home
Melanie Parent
Photographer Melanie Parent is searching for home. Not the home she lives in now, but the home of her memories. She is looking for what is lost.
Pictured: '“Coming Back from Chattanooga” (Cropped)
Getting there
Julie Crews
Getting There is a very different solo show for Julie Crews, whose previous exhibitions have often included the “things” of her everyday life as a mother of five—children’s toys, dum dum suckers or a rack of clothes from a shopping trip. Intimate glimpses into her personal life! This is an exhibition dominated by portraits and the landscapes or the roads that lead to them.
Artist studios 2018
Paige Powell, Madeline Marak, John Daniel, Mike Torma, Kirsi-Marja Hardy, Sherry Tamburo
Six artists set up shop for the summer in the mainspace gallery of artspace to live and work as they would in their own studios.
Critical Mass 6
Alicia Eler - Visual Critic
Ann Fisher-Wirth - Literary Critic
Robert Pincus - Curator of Critics
Critical Mass returns for its seventh year; bringing the artist community together in a critical mass of local talent.
Josh Chambers - Visual Winner
Katie Bickham - Literary Winner
on the wall
Lisandra Di Liberto, Wil Brown, and Eric Francis
Artists Lisandra Di Liberto Brown, Eric Francis and Wil Brown have been chosen to take on the walls of artspace in an exhibition titled On The Wall. This is the first exhibition where artists are painting large-scale artworks directly on the walls of the mainspace floor of artspace.